Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On March 28, 2011 at the initiative of the student's council of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held a traditional beauty contest "Miss USPU - 2011", in which 12 beauties took part - one representative from each faculty.
From April 11 to April 15, 2011 Physics and Mathematics Department will OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY WEEK
March 24, 2011 on the eve of World Day of Theatre Uman Amateur Folk Theatre presented the premiere of the play “[Not] ordinary story”, written by Pidgorna Olga - the student of Uman State Pedagogical University named by Pavlo Tyczyna . She was invited as an actress and make-up artist in this play.
Congratulate sincerely the student of 4 course of economic faculty Yuriy Bobonich and his scientific leaders: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, the head of the chair of the economy of enterprises, finance and tourism Muzichenko Anatoliy Stepanovytch and Candidate of Economic Sciences,...
In April, on 5–6, 2011 within the framework of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on educational discipline «Pedagogics» the third student’s scientific internet conference «Topical issues of pedagogical theory and practice in student’s scientific researches». We invite the students of...
The days of Science at the economic faculty at our University began with the conducting of All–Ukrainian scientific-practical conference «The reformation of Ukraine economy: state and perspectives» on the 24th of March 2011.
They say, beauty will save the world. If you want to see a real proof to , you are welcome to attend a real magical show "Miss USPU - 2011", which will be held on March, 28th at 4 p.m. at the assembly hall of the new building. You’ll get a chance to find yourself at the epicenter of beauty and...
Remind you, that on the 24 th of March 2011 All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Restructuring of the Ukrainian economy: condition and prospects” is conducted at Uman Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychina, economic faculty. Detailed information here.
We sincerely congratulate a student of the 4th course of economic faculty- Pugolovko Illia Stanislavovish and his supervisor, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of Chair of economy of enterprise, finance and tourism- Chvertko Lydmila Andriivna with the victory in All- Ukrainian...
On the 9th of March, the University honoured the prominent Ukrainian people's poet Taras Shevchenko on the occasion of 197th anniversary of the his birth. Large University delegation (over 100 persons) led by prof. Natalya Pobirchenko took part in the celebrations in the small Taras Shevchenko...