Recently, within the framework of "Youth spring", the university held a contest "Songs Vernisage - 2011" where 38 students of all departments took part. Songs of various genres were presented. Considerable sponsorships in the contest's holding gave the university trade union led by Oleksander Osadchyi, who chaired the jury.

Winners and participants were awarded diplomas and costly presents. The student of Arts And Pedagogics Department Oleksander Kolomiets won first place, the second place was occupied by the student of Physical Education Department Oleksander Rogovenko, the student of Arts And Pedagogics Department Hennadi Plaksyuk occupied the third place. The Grand Prix Winner was the student of Ukrainian Philology Department Tetyana Khlivna.

Hennadi Plaksyuk

Oleksander Kolomiets

Tetyana Khlivna

"Songs Vernisage" prizemen were happy to take part in a concert celebrating International Women's Day, held in the University for the women of the city. Mayor Yuri Bodrov and university students' council vice-chairman Oleksander Slobodyanyk had spoken with the complimentary address to Uman women. The first spring flowers added energy to all the charmed Uman women in the hall.

Mayor Yuri Bodrov congratulates women

Uman State Pedagogical University creative teams joined to the greetings variety choir. Concert program was rather interesting and varied - rich in kindness, positive emotions and spring mood.