Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

There is a custom - at night on celebration of Saint of Nicholas day it is needed to put a boot or knee-boot on a window, something where to put a gift. Knee-boots usually depend on the size of expected gift. Also packages were laid under a pillow to the small children. Who was polite - received a...
On 16th of December,was organized a meeting of students of Natural Sciences And Geography Department with the director of of I.I. Shmalgauzen Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine, by the correspondent- member of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Ph. D. (Biology), professor I.A....
Natural Sciences And Geography Department a long time enough co-operates with establishments of education in direction of development and approbation the technologies of teaching disciplines of natural cycle. Within the framework of the celled agreement on December, 16, 2011 in Ivanivka...
On 15th of December 2011 the scientifically methodical seminar: "Problems of modern literary education", organized by the department of Ukrainian literature and Science of Ukraine. A leader of the seminar is a Ph.D. (Phylology), professor, a head of chair of Ukrainian literature of the Volodymyr...
Dear employees and students! The student of IV course of Arts And Pedagogics Department Olga Balanovska, who is in a grave condition in the hospital with a diagnosis "Lymphoma Khodzhkina, needs in your support and financial aid". Subsequent treatment (course of chemotherapy) requires large...
Integration of Ukraine to the world civilization and educational space puts before a scientific and institute of higher elite high-quality new requirements and calls. Establishments of higher school are fully conscious modern problems of innovative development of society, pulled out by life. The...
A new millennium lighted up life of university of dramatic art. In fact student Theater of drama and comedy was created exactly in 2000 year. The initiator of such notable event was Natalia Semenivna Pobirchenko - then director of Institute of social and artistic education, and today is a rector...
Andrey's vechornytsi are traditional fortune tellings on the day of a saint Andrey, very old slavonic custom. Once a upon a time vechornytsi began in the end of November and proceeded up to beginning of large post, girls took part in them mostly, though boys also. For the carrying out they found...
On the 13 of December - holiday in honour of sainted apostle Andrey Pervozvannogo. From old times it was marked by our ancestors. This old tradition is wonderful creation of human fantasy, which was accompanied by various actions.
Releases of magazines "Practice of management of education establishment" and "Practice of management of preschool establishment" declared a competition "Teacher sounds proudly" for the students of higher pedagogical educational establishments and young teachers of establishments of education.