Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On the 22nd of Decembers, 85 anniversary was marked since foundation of the Institute of pedagogics of NAPS of Ukraine - scientific establishment, history of which is indissolubly related to many glorious names which did deserving payment in the treasury of the Ukrainian pedagogical theory and...
Traditionally the student asset of foreign languages department congratulated lecturers and students with coming holidays, organizing the merry new-year greeting. The songs of "Happy New Year" sounded from Dmitry Romanenko and "Last Christmas" from Roksolani Koval; poem "New Year's Reality...
In December, an assistant professor of Theory And Methodology Of Preschool Education Chair, Olena Polishchuk carried out the row of seminars-practical works for the pedagogical workers of preschool educational establishments (№№5, 9, 12, 25, 28) upon the problems of introduction innovative...
On the 23rd of December, 2011 a scientifically methodical seminar was organized at Natural Sciences And Geography Department by Biology and Methods of its teaching Chair. With a scientific lecture titled: “The electoral phyto-toxicity of herbicides at their complex application in sowing of soy”...
To meet New Year it is necessary to take old year off. What very successfully did students of Social Pedagogics and Applied Psychology department.
New-year holidays - from childhood are favourite and festive days, filled up with light of gladness, expectation of miracle and fairy-tale, heartfelt and hope. In eve of new-year-christmas holidays university administration, trade union and students' council did a lot of interesting and merry...
On the 17 of November 2011, the II-nd Regional stage of the XII International Petro Yatsik competition of Ukrainian language was organized by the Main administration of education and science of Cherkassy regional state administration and Ukrainian language chair (department of Ukrainian philology)...
Soon new-year and Christmas holidays, therefore Fans of Foreign Languages Department did not remain indifferent and prepared a grandiose action-presentation. On the 20 of December there was a meeting of the FAN club (France, England, Germany), it was dedicated to new-year holidays and Christmas...
On 19 of December, the students of a 12 group of Social Pedagogics and Applied Psychology department visited child's house of the mixed compensating type on occasion of holiday of Saint Nicholas. Students conducted interesting games with the pupils of house. Felicitated all children with holiday...
On 19 of December 2011 on initiative of Students’ Council and teachers of the Faculty of Economics an charitable action was carried out to the day of Saint Nicholas. With gifts and sincere greetings students and dean of faculty Komar Tetiana visited Regional refuge for children in Uman, where...