There is a custom - at night on celebration of Saint of Nicholas day it is needed to put a boot or knee-boot on a window, something where to put a gift. Knee-boots usually depend on the size of expected gift. Also packages were laid under a pillow to the small children. Who was polite - received a good present. Whoever obeyed - received a birch.

For the first time this year Saint Nicholas visited dormitories and left a surprise in every knee-boot which hung on the doors of rooms. Early in the morning, while all slept, Nicholas gave gifts and knocked up the doors. Surprise-Gifts were not only sweet but also original, functional and useful. By the way, also somebody received birches... in educative aims.

In decoration of entrance doors of the students'rooms found out rather large fantasy and creative approach: in lazy and a knee-boot did not "loll about", and the rooms of some floors even competed between themselves on the best knee-boot. Students met Guest gladly, showed Him rooms decorated in a holiday way and with interest peeped in knee-boots. Adults "children" were sincerely glad that Nicholas did not forget about them. The corridors of dormitories were filled with a racket and laughter - a good mood before pair was guaranteed!