Thousands of freshmen have replenished the cohort of students at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. They have organizational meetings in all the departments. The long-awaited organizational meetings enable closer personal acquaintances and learning the basic aspects of student life.

The Arts and Pedagogics Department was one of the first to initiate a meeting with the freshmen and their parents in the assembly hall of the new building of USPU. Olena Dudnyk, the Dean of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor, warmly greeted the freshmen. She congratulated the students on choosing Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and thanked their parents for the support and assistance to their children in choosing the university. She was focused on the organization of the educational process at the Department, the system of benefits provided to different categories of people, practical training of future specialists, accommodation and leisure as well as the specifics of study, the technical equipment and facilities of the University.

Anastasiya Kryvorotenko, a teacher at the Chair of Choreography, familiarized the students with the specifics of "Choreography" at the meeting, Zoya Yuzvenko, the teacher of "Visual Arts", told the students about this subject; “Music Arts” was introduced by Tetyana Kremeshna, a Ph.D., Associate Professor. The first steps of the freshmen pose a challenge. The students are required not only to be diligent and hard working, but also to be ready for significant qualitative changes. The adaptation to something new is always difficult. A special study was devoted to tracking down the main problems that arise in the process of education. A special memorandum for freshmen is created by the Dean. After meeting the participants, the parents and freshmen received qualified consultations on various important issues.

At the meeting of students and their parents with the academic staff, Svitlana Popychenko, the Dean, Ph.D., Associate Professor, familiarized the audience with the structure of the University, Department and organization of classes. Inna Babiy, the Vice Dean for Educational Work, Ph.D., Associate Professor, briefed the meeting participants on the organization of leisure at Preschool and Correctional Education Department. Master student Taisa Dychok told everyone about the possibilities for scientific, creative and personal development offered by the University, the student's achievements in various competitions, contests, scientific works of students, outlined the specifics of extracurricular student life.

Our Foreign Languages Department was replenished with the best representatives of the younger generation from various Oblasts of Ukraine: Lviv, Odessa, Lugansk, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Cherkasy, ​​Kirovograd, Sumy, Poltava etc. Parents, sisters, brothers attended the first parent-teacher meeting with students. They were happy to have been enrolled in one of the largest universities in Ukraine.

The administration, faculty, students warmly welcomed the newly enrolled students and wished them success, inspiration, best academic results, to become an expert of the modern generation competitive in the domestic and international labor markets. Nadiya Brit, the Dean of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, familiarized the parents and students with the history and current activities of the Department, the career prospects for graduates etc. Besides, she answered numerous questions. Petro Graboviy, the Deputy Dean for International Business, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, presented the perspectives of student participation in various international programs, noting that international activity is a means of getting into the international educational space. In addition to participation in international projects, students also have the opportunity to obtain a Dual Diploma.

Stanislav Tkachuk, the Dean of Technology and Pedagogics Department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, congratulated the first-year students on the beginning of the higher education and thanked for choosing Technology and Pedagogics Department, introduced the curators to the audience. The agenda of the meeting included discussing the structure of the University and faculty, the organization of the educational process at the Department, rights and responsibilities of students, educational work. Lesya Kravchenko, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, and Nadiya Vertil, the Associate Professor of the Department, were active participants in the discussion of these issues. Oleksandr Grusha, the leading expert of the Employment Unit of the University consulted the students on their rights and responsibilities as well as tax loans for education.

The meeting of first year students at Elementary Education Department and their parents with the teachers and the Department Dean was very warm and nice. Boris Yakymchuk, the Dean, Associate Professor, congratulated the students on the successful enrollment and wished them success in the student life. He thanked the parents for supporting their children in choosing their future profession and expressed hope for further close cooperation. The Dean spoke about the important issues related to the education and leisure of the students and answered the questions of the parents and students. Students and parents completed the questionnaires to have a better insight into the young faculty, to identify the range of their interests, hobbies and talents. The Department representatives handed the "Freshmen Memo" to the freshmen. It provides brief information on the rights and responsibilities of students, the curricula, the class schedules and the scale of student performance (the credit-modular system).

There was a meeting of the administration of Ukrainian Philology Department with the parents and freshmen dedicated to the work of the Department and the adaptation of the freshmen to the educational process. Valentyna Koval, the Dean, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, spoke about the history and traditions of the University, pointed out the specifics of credit-modular system of education, dwelled on the future prospects and more opportunities for graduates. She told the freshmen about the varied activities of our university club primarily aimed at the preservation, cultivation and development of cultural traditions, promotion of amateur art, organization and holding of cultural, theatrical and dance entertainments, creating art groups and amateur groups etc.

Dariya Krainova, the former first year student, has shared her impressions. The student reinforced that it was not only the education itself that was paid much attention, the Department was encouraging the students to be imaginative, creative, develop their intellectual abilities. And the fact that everyone was deeply interested in it proved the importance of the abovementioned. So we are looking forward to further cooperation and new meetings.

In general, the student activists of USPU emphasized that the student government encouraged the freshmen to join the mass cultural and sports events and invited them to participate in the university academic life. Based on our own experience, the students assured their new friends that they got into the best University. The freshmen still have to learn the functions and the structure of the Student Council, get familiarized with the schedule of activities for the nearest future. In the fall they will participate in a lot of interesting events, make trips and be surprised with so much new, including the student inauguration.

At the meeting it was stressed that today the freshmen are not only the students of USPU, but also full members of a large and friendly student family. They wished the freshmen joy and confidence. May every new day be bright and bring them only pleasure. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University has old traditions and the new students enrich its glorious achievements.

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