Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

From November 11 to November 18, 2018, the representatives of the USPU, who studied the experience of education internationalization, had a working visit to Edinburgh University (Morey House School of Education) in the UK. During the visit, they attended practical classes and lectures on topics...
The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine discloses information about the inclusion of a number of printed periodicals in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine by categories "A", "B" and "C". Among the 25 national editions included into the list, the...
Choreographic teams of the Arts Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University: folk amateur ensemble of modern dance "Vizavi" (head – Lyudmila Androschuk) and folk amateur ensemble of folk dance "Yavoryna" (leader – Sergey Kutsenko) took part in Natalia Skorulska IV...
Today, at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held a meeting of the French ambassador in Ukraine, Ms. Isabelle Dumont with the university administration, Teaching Staff and students.
Research of ecological problems of tourist and recreational services of the population is an important direction of activity of Natural Sciences and Geography Department’s and the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Business Education’s scientists of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State...
The eleventh annual Uman local history reading was held at the University, on October 30, 2018. During the meeting, the participants discussed the actual problems and directions of further regional researches in Uman region: the current state of development of regional ethnography and research...
Ukraine Championship from cycling race was held in Kropyvnytskyi, on October 27-28. Athletes from all regions of our country took part in the competitions. An individual group race took place on the first day of the competition, in which the 5th year student of Physical Education Department of...
On October 26, in the conference hall USPU was held a meeting of graduate students with potential employers who visited the university with the support of the public organization "Father's Union".
The Fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modernization of the educational environment: problems and perspectives" was held at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in October 11-12.
Youth Chamber Choir of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University won on the IV International Choir Festival in Herceg Novi, Montenegro.