On October 26, in the conference hall USPU was held a meeting of graduate students with potential employers who visited the university with the support of the public organization "Father's Union".

Among the employers who came to the meeting - Olena Volkova, the owner of alternative school “Free School”; Larisa Andriychenko, the owner of the licensed private school “Britannica School” and Oksana Volzhyna, the owner of alternative school “7 Fields”. The guests presented the activities of their educational institutions, shared their experience in creating and conducting private educational activities.

During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: "Why it is cool to be a teacher", "How to become a cool teacher?", "How to get a better job in education?" and "How to enjoy the work of a teacher?"

The meeting participants were also introduced to the educational opportunities of the university in the competitive specialists training.

Пресцентр УДПУ