Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On April 6-8, 2017 the annual International exhibition "Education and Career - 2017" and the exhibition of foreign educational institutions "Education abroad" took place in Kyiv at the National Center for business and cultural cooperation "Ukrainian House".
The second year student of Physical Education Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Ivann Nenych took the third place among girls with a score of 44.85 in the Championship of Ukraine on track throwing in honor of Honored coach of Ukraine Piskunov V. among adult, youth,...
Business plans of students of the Research Institute of Economics and Business Education of Pavlo tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University got a great recognition at city competition of business plans on entrepreneurship among students.
The student of the Department of Arts of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Anzhelika Ishchuk submitted the work to the second round of the All-Ukrainian Contest of Student Research Works in "Pedagogical Sciences" and was awarded wiht the Diploma of the third degree (supervisor -...
On March 25 at the initiative of the staff of the research laboratory "Ecology and Education" of Natural Science and Geography Department, Professor Svitlana Sovgira, senior lecturer Nataliya Dushechkina and the University Student Council organized an annual international action "Earth Hour".
Student of the 3rd year of History Department Nataliya Vershyhora won the first place in the All-Ukrainian Contest of Students Research Papers on Historical Sciences. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Tetiana Kuznets was a scientific supervisor of the student. This deserved victory has...