Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

USPU lecturers students together with hundreds of Uman citizens took part in the city events on the Independence Day of Ukraine. The most beautiful sight of the holiday is the parade of embroidery. Participants of the parade were going from the central square of Uman to the monument to Taras...
A student at Primary Education Department Nataliya Alekseyeva studied at one of the largest universities in Poland in Wroclaw. Students representing 48 countries of the world gathered in this picturesque city. During the month, our student in the international team participated in the intensive...
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University traditionally remains the most popular higher educational institution in Cherkasy region among the entrants. The entrants have submitted to all educational qualification levels - junior specialist, bachelor and master.
Our university, besides qualitative knowledge, provides an opportunity for the development and self-realization of students. There are various academic mobility programs that allow students not only to study abroad, but also to travel and meet new people.
Rector, Professor Oleksandr Bezliudnyi personally inspected the University before the start of the admission campaign.
On July 3, a long-awaited festive event for hundreds of students from Turkmenistan who received the Bachelor's degree took place in Uman State Pedagogical University.