On 19 of December, the students of a 12 group of Social Pedagogics and Applied Psychology department visited child's house of the mixed compensating type on occasion of holiday of Saint Nicholas. Students conducted interesting games with the pupils of house. Felicitated all children with holiday and presented sweets, dresses and toys which were collected on the department within the framework of "social worker" week. A warm and friendly atmosphere dominated in a hall, children smiled and were glad with visitation. All present received a lot of positive impressions.

On 19 of December by volunteers of students' socially psychological service was organized visitatation to the Kravchuk family, in which dad Nicholas and mother Olena are invalids, Bogdan's daughter studies at eighth form and she is 10 years.

Volunteers congratulated family with the holiday of St. Nicholas and delivered small money present of 300 hryvnas and sweets for Bogdanka. After a pleasant talk during tea-drinking volunteers got to know, that in family it is a double holiday - a Birthday of Nicholas.

Bogdanka is very talented girl, she draws, plays piano and in general has a good successes in studies. Parents of daughter are very proud and lay great expectations on her future.

Volunteers wished the Kravchuk family strong health, happiness and harmony in the family, successes in all beginnings.