Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On April 26-27 the International Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinarity as the Methodology of Humanities: Language, Education and Culture" took place at the Foreign Languages Department of USPU. The conference aim was the exchange of teaching experience and ideas on the Ukrainian education...
Students and lecturers of Social Education and Applied Psychology Department actively and energetically celebrated the Psychologist's Day. In the holiday week program were: Lectures of the university practical psychologist M. Mishchenko on the theme "The Future Expert's Emotional...
On the 25th of April at the Exhibition Center of State Historical-Architectural Preserve "Stara Uman" the exhibition of students and lecturers creative works of Fine Art and Art Pedagogics Chair of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was presented. Deputy Head of Uman District...
On the eve of the 26th anniversary of Chornobyl nuclear accident at the base of Research Laboratory "Ecology and Education" (Chemistry and Environment Chair) held a briefing devoted to people who sacrificed their lives and health to protect the world from nuclear disaster of global scale....
All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Design Technology: Theory, History, Practice" took place on the 20-21st of April at Technology and Pedagogics Department.
On the 18th of April, with the assistance of the trade union committee, University and Department administration, student council the contest "Miss Primary Education Department - 2012" was held. 10 students took part in the competition and presented themselves demonstrating not only natural beauty...
In the context of International Educational Linguistic Programme S.A.M.E.D.I.: Science, Art, World, Europe through the research and innovation took place a visit of enthusiastic students to France. The programme foresees language practice in which took part eight students of Foreign Languages...
International Mother Language Day is an observance held annually on 21 February worldwide to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The FAN club of Foreign languages Department prepared great action devoted to this day. Students together with teachers made...
Recently Foreign Languages Department held the Olympiad among university students in English, French and German to improve their theoretical and practical knowledges.The Olympiad invited the students of IV and V courses of studies.
On February, 18, 2012 rector of USPU, Ph.D (Pedagogy), professor Natalia Semenivna Pobirchenko met with the Polish students which arrived to Uman from the Polish cities Poznan and Leshno. In meeting also took part director of International Cooperation Institute O. A. Zabolotna, rector assistant...