Among the winter routine and examination period, students of Professional and Technological Education Department have arranged a corner of comfort with warmth of a fireplace, comfortable old chair with a warm blanket next to a Christmas tree. Students made flash-fireplace and installed it in the original department room, because nothing warms the soul as better then sweet memories of home.

Fireplace encourages people to spend an unforgettable evening in a circle of friends or alone with thoughts about the future. The main functions of the fireplace are beauty, creating a sincere atmosphere of communication.

So now, based on the Department of Professional and Technological Education anyone can easily be a part of a winter wonderland. Flashing lights on the Christmas tree, smell of tangerines, a lot of presents, fire in the fireplace, a warm blanket on a comfortable chair and fluffy snow evoke memories of childhood, the gifts from Santa Claus and the magic of New Year and Christmas holidays.

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