Traditionally, the onset of the spring warmth is a good reason for USPU students to clean the area. All the University Departments have got involved in "Make Ukraine clean!" action. This important collective cleaning event annually brings together the people who care about the environment. It inspires the citizens to care about the nature.

As part of the nationwide student cleaning the Preschool and remedial education Department contributed to cleaning the campus in the bright sunshine, warm weather, good mood, and most importantly - the desire to live in a clean environment. This was so much fun. The first-year students of History Department curators began the partial cleaning of Sadova Street leading to the "Sofievka" park. They removed the dirt and debris that have accumulated there over the winter.

All the University Departments also began the spring field work in education and research areas of the Agrobiostation. During these activities the students of Technology and Pedagogical Department pruned the fruit trees and shrubs, paved the areas for spring field work.

The first year students of Physical Training Department (group 13) enjoyed the work at the "Agrobiostation". They worked with a smile on the face and in a pleasant mood and everyone was satisfied with the work results.

"Let us take care of cleanliness in our alma mater". That was the slogan of the Ukrainian Philology Department who started the spring cleaning season in the surrounding area. Students of group 1 (curator O.O. Tsyhanok) have shown what can be done to make the University area cleaner. Sweeping, raking the fallen leaves, twigs, debris showed a hard and cohesive work of the students. The Department (academic groups of I-III year student) plans to continue cleaning up the grounds on Thursdays according to the schedule drawn up by Dean.

Other students of the Ukrainian Philology Department also participated in the action. They cleaned up the parks, the beaches and other places. The students cleaned the area around the hostel number 1. It has always been quite dirty there. Despite the rain and nasty weather, there were about seventy people participating in the action. The young people care about the welfare of their country. The students disprove of the actions of those who leave rubbish in the nature. So they have proved that it is easy to make our country clean!

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