To carry out the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the frames of the annual nationwide "Clean environment" action the staff and students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University initiated a number of measures for the conservation and enhancement of green space, improvement of welfare, health and environmental conditions in the city of Uman and Cherkasy Oblast. In particular, the following environmental actions were organized: "Improvement of the learning environment", "Plantation of the surrounding areas," "Clean forests, parks and gardens", "Future of the woods is in your hands", "Consolidation of small ponds", "Earth Hour" and so on.

Photo: Nature and Geography Department

In order to spread the environmental information the "Management and conservation of water resources" scientific seminar business game, "Problems of interaction between man and nature" press conference on environmental issues and a master class in quiling were held with a promotional purpose.

All Departments, Library and other University units have participated in the action. During the "Clean environment" action the University staff and students have tidied up all classrooms, departments, research laboratories, teaching centers, 17 squares, 8 km of streets and roads, mass graves and 7 memorials, sorted 0,005 thousand m2 of lawns, 0,017 thousand m2 of flower beds, planted 2000 trees, 400 bushes and eliminated 38 unauthorized dumps at which they collected 0.13 thousand m3 of waste, cleaned 0,135 thousand m2 of river banks.

An active part in the "Clean environment" action allowed the University staff and students to make their USPU and the hometown a better, cleaner and greener place, and thus demonstrated its proactive attitude to maintaining the purity of nature and the environment, and the desire to take care for the environment improvement. The students have proved that often these activities do not require much money but they are invaluable.

Photo: Technology And Pedagogics Department

Photo: Foreign Languages Department

Photo: Preschool and Remedial Education Department

Photo: Ukrainian Philology Department

Photo: Economics Department

Photo: Physical Training Department

Photo: Arts and Pedagogics Department

Photo: History Department

Photo: Sociology and Psychology Department

Photo: Physics and Mathematics Department

Photo: Primary Education Department

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