Each year on the 21st of September the whole world celebrates Day of Peace. The event united student youth of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University around joint dream of every Ukrainian – to consolidate PEACE.

With this aim student of different departments at our university conducted various events, charity actions, meetings with volunteers.

Lecturers and students of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics Department honoured this day by singing patriotic songs and dancing.

The relay baton under the motto “We are for Peace” was handed into students of Professional and Technology Education Department. Boys and girls, dressed in embroidered blouses set about 200 paper pigeons, symbol of peace, to liberty.

At Nature and Geography Department students organized a master class in making up paper pigeons, which was conducted by a first year student Ruslan Kachan.

Students of Preschool and Correction Education Department joined celebrations of Day of Peace, conducting an action “Pigeon of PEACE”.

Student Council of History Department, in particular, sector of volunteer movement development organized and conducted an action, during which the city dwellers could get a post card with the picture of symbol of peace – pigeon.

A few author’s poems from a new collection “Philosophy of War” recited head of Social Sciences Chair, professor Anatoliy Karasevych. The participants of the event commemorated perished soldiers and citizens of Ukraine by a minute of silence. Today it’s a high time to be patriots not by words, but by deeds. We should believe that this bloodshed will end soon. Fame to Ukraine!

The action “We create our victory by our own hands”, realized in the building #3 on the initiative of community volunteer organization “Together” and active participation of students from all the departments, was a large-scale.

We are glad to admit active participation in Day of Peace celebration of foreign students, who study at our university.

Peace is the most important, for what Ukrainians are striving now. Peace is a pledge of strong and prosperous country, well-being of its citizens. We hope, that pigeons of peace will bring our protectors good mood, feelings of support and upcoming peace in our state.


UNO uses Day of Peace to draw attention to various kinds of work on support of peace, attraction of people and community around the world to exchange information and practical experience in order to be in peace.

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