In the end of October was held a championship of Uman in track and field events, in which participated sportsmen of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman National Gardening University, humanitarian and pedagogical college, medical and agro technical colleges, agrarian lyceum, etc. In the competition took part 155 sportsmen in all kinds of athletics.

Among the champions of autumn competitions were our students: running 1500 m (girls) – Kateryna Bogush; long jump (girls) – Lyudmyla Tkachenko, (boys (Mykola Konoval); hammer throwing (girls) – Lidia Provozina. In a relay race 4x100 m both girls and bous have won.

Congratulations! We wish our students good health, energy, inspiration, optimism and success!

Пресцентр УДПУ