On March 13-16, a nationwide event "Student Teaching and Discussion Platform", organized by the Central Trade Union Committee of staff of Ukrainian Education and Science and the Association of Human Rights organizers students of Ukraine took place in the trade unions building in Kyiv. The primary trade union organization of Uman State Pedagogical University, represented by Deputy Chairman of the trade union on work with youth Liliya Krutchenko participated in the meeting.

Head of Trade Union Georgiy Truhanov, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Yevgen Sulima, Deputy Chairman of Trade Unions Federation of Ukraine Sergiy Kondryuk, and President of Human Rights Organizers Students Association of Ukraine Sergiy Romanyuk opened the "student platform".

Work of "platform" included discussion of the draft law "On Higher Education" in part of socio-economic students’ rights and guarantees ensuring as well as the integration of higher education in Ukraine into the European educational space. The discussion was attended by more than a hundred active and creative trade union leaders from all regions of Ukraine.

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