The day before Victory’s Day over Fascism in World War II amateur band of USPU – trio “Gonta”, consisting of Honoured Workers of Culture of Ukraine Valentyn Kupchyk, Vasyl Semenchuk and Petro Voloshyn – with a concert program visited 116th radio engineering battalion (A-2012) in Uman.

This band has a lot of Ukrainian songs in its repertoire, it represented our country at International festivals and competitions, and participated in art volunteer movement for National Guards subdivision in ATO zone, etc. The vocal trio “Gonta” can be proud of its long and well-organized collaboration with military people.

This time servicemen were amazed by band’s professional level of Ukrainian patriotic national songs performance and actors skills of this collective.

The singing arts of the university lecturers arises good feelings, inspires for doing new good deeds, gives strength in fighting for Ukraine’s liberty. “Gonta’s” concerts help to have fighting spirit, improve moral state of soldiers, confirm the nation’s unity and strength of Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the same time, the soldiers’ devotion and self-sacrifice for the sake of our Motherland inspires the band for writing new songs for future of our state.

Пресцентр УДПУ