Today is the World Health Day. The public is concerned about the health issues and problems. They say "If there is health you can achieve everything". Health can be achieved at a very high price. And many people want to restore their health.

USPU often holds the activities aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. Thus, within the university action "Youth chooses to be healthy" the Physical Training Department under the guidance of leading sportsmen of the University held a student flashmob in exercising. Everyone could volunteer. The flashmob charged everyone with positive energy and vigor. The flashmob initiators hope that it will become a good tradition. Traditional exercising is done during the trainings to relieve fatigue. Exercising promotes emotional balance, stamina, improves the mood, reduces the static load, and improves the posture.

The Sociology and Psychology Department will celebrate the Health Week. The plan of the events includes the Day of healthy eating, the "Move and Live!" bike ride, exercising on the USPU playground, "Merry Starts" competition on the campus and "Clean campus" eco-quest. The dormitories will hold the "Candy instead of a cigarette" action, and “Run, Run, Run” marathon in the "Sofievka" Park. The students and teachers of USPU wish everyone health and good mood!

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Additional information.
The World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7 April since the middle of previous century. The celebration is related to the approval of the statute of the World Health Organization (7 April, 1948). The tradition of celebrating the World Health Day is inextricably linked with the activities of the entire health care system. Disease prevention and attention to our own health is the primary goal of actions and activities. We learn about the importance of this positive initiative from the numerous informational materials, brochures and booklets, seminars, performances and even concerts dedicated to this day.

Health is real wealth the value which we sometimes ignore. The presence or absence of this valuable condition fundamentally determines the daily life, social environment and social rights. Healthy people rarely think about arranging their lifestyle in a proper and healthy style to preserve their health for a long time. Our health is very easy to lose. People suffering from some diseases are faced with many problems that actively interfere with their normal life. The World Health Day is aimed at raising public awareness about these problems and issues.

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