One year ago, on 18th-20th of February tragic events took place in the centre of Kyiv. The perished participators of Maidan rally were officially recognized as victims on the 21st of February. This day was held farewells with perished rebels, which after were named Sky Hundred.

Year of Revolution of Dignity and Russian-Ukrainian War in the East of Ukraine have become turning historical events. These events in Maidan and Eastern front manifested unbelievable indestructibility, patriotism, and Ukrainian defender’s courage, who at cost of their lives protect our country’s independence from aggressor.

At all the departments of our university is honoured heroism of Ukrainian defenders and those who were killed protecting Ukrainian sovereignty.

On February 17th, 2015 on the basis of History Department there was held student evening-requiem “Heroes don’t die!” in which participated pupils of 9A form (form master Olga Smirnova) of Uman general education school secondary № 14 and first year students of History department. In the event also took part pupils of 9B form and their teacher of history Vasyl Lomako. In the program of the evening was included picture exhibition and video “Chronicles of Revolution of Dignity”. The pupil’s performance about history of a perished person from Sky Hundred was piteous and touching. The song “You are a soldier” glorifying our defenders, who fight for our country’s integrity, penetrated into hearts. It was declared by Anastasia Leshchenko, Maria Leshchenko and Kateryna Ovcharuk. In the end first-year students of History Department organized a flash mob to the song “Telnyuk: Sisters” and “KOZAK SYSTEM” “Come back alive”.

The event was prepared by students-practicians of History Department Olga Perepelyuk, Lyubov Cherevko and Maria Fedoriv under the support of teachers of Uman general education school secondary № 14.

Students and teachers of Physics and Mathematics Department remembered Sky Hundred with soldiers from the ATO zone – representatives of Ukrainian National Guards second battalion Uman platoon Mykola Bilan and Yuriy Barylyuk. The soldiers told about life in the East of Ukraine. In the end of the event students thanked guests, presented them with flowers for their courage and fortitude.

At Foreign Languages Department was held a requiem meeting to honour heroic deeds of Revolution of Dignity and Sky Hundred Heroes. It was organized by deputy dean in humanitarian and socialization work Alla Gembaruk, leisure studio director Iryna Viznyak and the department’s student dean Olena Gumenyuk tried to attract participants as much as possible. The event was organized in the form of literary evening: students commemorated Heroes of Sky Hundred with their patriotic short poems and prose.

The participators in the event took close to their hearts literary works: for Ukrainians patriotic subject is urgent and like medicine, helps to cure wounds, fight with misfortune. Ukraine is a girl, beautiful, hard working, and singing, now dressed in rags instead of embroided blouse. But she will hold out and prosper until hot hearts of true patriots are beating. Love to Ukraine can’t be measured by pure literary language, knowledge of history, embroided blouse, blue-and-yellow ribbon, and coloured photo in social network or a beautiful picture on the car. Patriotism is an instinct. It can be compared to self-defence instinct, to desire to protect family, future of children and peace. The students of Foreign Languages Department cited George Byron, “Who doen’t love his country, is not able to love anything”, and made a conclusion that love can’t be pressed or bread up, it comes alone.

A requiem meeting was a sorrow for Sky Hundred, those people who turned mind of Ukrainians upside down, gave a chance to understand that nation should write its new, better history. It’s better late than never. You can’t delete that date from the chronicles of the last year. This tragedy is already marked in the pages of history books, but they can’t render true grief which should be remembered by us all the time. Memories on the best people should be alive.

It’s the truth that heroes don’t die, but sometimes people forget about them. Those, who think that only good words and nominal recollection is the maximum, are mistaken. Our honour should be prolonged by fighting for an idea to be free. “Once will be a day, the war will end…”, sings Sviatoslav Vakarchuk. But those who are already in the heaven won’t come back. Ordinary people’s heroic self-sacrifice should stimulate to be proud of them and justify their innocent sacrifice.

It’s important to understand that the las breath of Sky Hundred was a hope for us. We can’t predict future, but it’s we who create it today. Each Hero of Sky Hundred believed in this, but they couldn’t see this future.

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