These days in Ukraine are honoured Heroes who have sacrificed their lives for peace and future in the Earth. Our university students and millions of students all over Ukraine responded to the events of February’s second decade.

The concert-requiem “Nobody’s forgotten, nothing’s forgotten…” is dedicated to 26th anniversary of Soviet troops withdrawal from Afghanistan, Commemoration Day of participants in the war on the territory of the other countries, and memorial of Sky Hundred Heroes; with the concert a lot of memorial events have become. The event was organized by Student Council of Arts and Pedagogics Department, which showed great responsibility to it. The members of self-government mentioned that a memorial evening is only “a small part of contribution and honour of people, who defended our liberty”.

That day nobody was indifferent to the guests’ stories, thematic videos, authors’ verses, patriotic songs and emotional choreographical compositions.

On behalf of all guests – of participants in the war on the territory of the other countries – Volodymyr Duravko, retired lieutenant-colonel made a speech. From 1983 until 1985 Volodymyr Mykolayovych has done his international duty in Angola. The guest shared his impressions on that terrible war, courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers, who were fighting for peace on Africa’s land. Volodymyr Mykolayovych appealed to everybody present with a request to appreciate, protect and love our Motherland. He wished everyone goodness, health, peace, and that children and grandchildren never know what is war.

The event was prolonged by students’ performances. Tears welled up into the eyes when the touching words of poetry and songs were heard in the assembly hall.

More than a quarter of a centure has passed since the last Soviet soldier left Afghanistan. But the wounds from that war are still open. There are a lot families, which haven’t met their sons, fathers and husbands! And those who survived that time, now again in the forefront… but now on their own land… At first there was Kyiv Maidan. After Donbas. Side by side with ordinary Ukrainians former soldiers-internationalists fight for our country’s integrity by cost of their own life, protect Ukrainian children future in ATO zone, transfer their military experience to young fighters.

These days we honour memory of Ukrainian Heroes of different historical events. The last year the calendar of memorable day was supplemented by one more date – commemoration of Sky Hundred Heroes – victims of shooting down at Euromaidan in February of 2014. Ukrainian angels were killed for truth, liberty, our state’s independence, and at cost of their sacrifice they showed that Ukrainian spirit is adamantine, our nation is unsubdued.

It’s already a year, that they are not with us… but the pain doesn’t disappear… Students dedicated their works to memory of Sky Hundred Heroes: a poem “memory of Sky Hundred, choreography staging “Sky Hundred, please, take God”, “The war”, the song “Come back, a soldier”.

The perished Heroes of Ukraine were honoured by a minute of silence.

In the end of the evening, her speech made a dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Olena Dudnyk.

On behalf of all the present students thanked the soldiers and presented them flowers.

Millions of Ukrainians gave their lives for the sake of our state and nation, for peace on the Earth. Our country’s protectors gave their souls and bodies for liberty of Ukraine and we should remember it. As the nation, which remembers its past is immortal!

A picture story on the event you can view under the following link.

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