On the 15th of October, 2015 took place a joint meeting of section heads (Small Sciences Academy, SSA) at general educational establishments and lecturers, scientific advisors at the university.

The welcoming speech made a pro-rector in scientific activity and international cooperation Vladylena Sokyrska, she presented lecturers who advised on 22 sections of pupils’ scientific investigations at SSA.

Forms of collaboration of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and general educational establishments are various. Traditionally, lecturers participate in methodical seminars of teachers, social pedagogues, practical psychologists; they organize joint meetings and seminars for teachers and heads of creative groups.

Among the activities is writing diploma and master papers. Lecturers of the university write reviews to teachers’ manuals. The university offers professional training and probation period for teachers of general secondary schools and educators of pre-school establishments.

Teachers of the city participate in the work of scientific and research laboratories at USPU.

Teachers-methodologists participate in pedagogical experiments, joint discussions, approbation results, common scientific publications, guidance of students during their probation period, works review.

Lecturers of the university take an active part in the work of Small Academy of sciences that develop consultative lessons for pupils-members of SSA.

Methodologist of methodical cabinet at Uman education department Tetyana Plusch told about results of SSA in 2014-2015 academic year. The last year 180 pupils were members of SSA, 73 of them participated in competitions (first stage), 34 pupils participated in II stage – regional, at which 21 pupil were named “Winners”.

Nowadays there are 34 sections of Uman city department SSA, 22 of which are leading scientists from Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

During the meeting Svitlana Tsymbal-Slatvinska informed all the present about HEI entrance peculiarities in 2016. She mentioned about preparatory courses and invited pupils of schools to visit them.

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