It has been more than 50 years since the establishment of the Museum of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Today it is difficult to imagine our educational establishment without this treasury of the historical and cultural heritage that has lived through the times of formation and development. It has been assigned a great purpose. The museum collections were formed due to hard work of individual collectors and researchers; those are important resources and a valuable heritage of our past.

Special exhibitions devoted to specific milestones in the development of the University as well as the contemporary cultural items are presented in the Museum. The Museum preserves a variety of things that evidence the people’s attitude to the world and the works of art. There are many documents and books that prove the great role our University has played in the history of Uman. Although the Museum was founded not so long ago it collected and retained the specific items that tell us about the epoch, culture, and values that are important for the conservation of heritage of USPU.

The USPU Museum offers the excursions the aim of which is to raise the civic awareness, foster the national idea, the idea of statehood of Ukraine, strengthen the responsibility for the historical heritage, encourage to understand the Ukrainian national culture in the world civilization, moral, aesthetic education and more. Every visitor can get familiarized with the history of the University and the Department, see the exhibits. In general, the exhibition not only pursues a cognitive goal, it demonstrates the real prospects that our University holds for the students today.

The exhibition starts with the foundation of the University, its development and links it with the present. Every visitor can leave comments, suggestions or recommendations in the guestbook. You can take notes, see the queer artifacts or just dream about your future. After visiting the Museum you can feel that your mind is enriched with new knowledge generating new ideas.

Natalia Derev'yanko, the Master student of History Department arranges very interesting and exciting exhibitions. She always surprises the students with interesting and informative stories. She understands that this job requires diverse knowledge and as a true museum worker she spends much time reading books, studying archival documents, examining and exploring the old times. After all, to fulfill its social role the Museum should awaken the interest of the visitors, facilitate the exchange of ideas, provide answers to exciting questions, arouse curiosity and impress imagination.

The contemporary world places certain responsibilities on the Museum, requires it to reflect the current level of progress, develop in line with the latest world trends of the museum sector, so that it shouldn’t become obsolete and unnecessary. It holds the unique heritage of material and spiritual culture, relics and witnesses of our past.

As the Museum reflects the past and gives an insight into the future of our University we decided to waive any formalities. A new exhibition of our University Museum is being developed. It has to become available, dynamic, useful and interesting for teachers and students and also, for the guests and visitors of the University.

The museum is always open for those interested in the past.

Пресцентр УДПУ