On March 27-28, the All-Ukrainian student scientific conference “Actual Problems of Technological and Professional Education: Young Researchers’ View” took place at Technology and Pedagogics Department in USPU.

Post-graduate students and Ph.D. students from 10 universities in different regions of Ukraine participated in the conference.

The students had the opportunity to communicate with the University rector, doctor of sciences (Pedagogics), professor, and corresponding member of NAPS Natalya Pobirchenko.

Doctor of sciences (Pedagogics), professor, Dean of Technology and Pedagogics Department Stanislav Tkachuk, vice-rector on scientific work, assistant professor Larysa Tkachuk, doctors of sciences (Pedagogics), professors Oleksandr Kobernyk and Andriy Gedzyk welcomed the participants and wished them a fruitful work.

The participants made the reports where they explained their own views on actual problems’ solving and prospects of technological and professional education development in the Ukrainian secondary schools. Young researches discussed the questions on the current state and prospects of technological and professional training improving in present time, innovative approaches to the quality technologies teaching in secondary schools, problems of competitive approach to technological and professional education.

The exhibition of creative works where the students had the opportunity to present their wares was held during the conference.

The delegates visited Sofiyivka park during their free time.

We thank all the participants and their scientific supervisors for fruitful work!

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