The New Year’s matinee took place for university lecturers’, workers’ and students’ children. Student amateur theatre of Primary Education Department (stage-director Nataliya Alekseeva) presented the real fairy tale for kids. The fest operator was Oleg Gonchar.

The fairy tale heroes reproduced the plot of tale “Cinderella” and created the New Year’s atmosphere and faith in New Year’s wonder.

A fabulous and merry fest was prolonged by the performance of Bom clown and fantastic heroes; they organized competitions and games between children. University trade union committee (head Oleksandr Osadchyi) provided children with gifts and prizes of festive event participators. The children were full of positive emotions and impressions, they took a lot of pictures with their favourite fairy tale heroes. The same day pupils of Uman general education school №11 (Primary Education Department students have their probation period there) had an opportunity to watch the performance of a tale “Cinderella”.

Пресцентр УДПУ