USPU student scientific society (SSS) with the assistance of Kyiv Labour, Social Relations and Tourism Academy students at Social and Psychological Education Department organized round table on academic mobility of students.

The event moderator, dean’s assistant in scientific work, SSS coordinator Mariya Krayeva greeted students from Kyiv who came to us with mobility programme to study and wished them success in their studies.

In friendly atmosphere the students got acquainted and presented their educational establishments and scientific life. The director of USPU student scientific society Alyona Zavalko told about SSS work. She mentioned about the variety of events which were organized by the society.

After the round table participators watched short social clips which won in social advertisements competition organized by SSS. Students discussed conflict situations which they watched and defined solutions, analyzed problems, mentioned in videos, exchanged their experience and opinion. In general, the meeting was an important part of future social sphere workers pactical training.

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