On January 18-19, the International scientific and practical conference "Art in The Context of Educational Paradigm: National and International Experience" took place at Arts and Education Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. The conference was attended by 119 scientists from Ukraine, Brazil, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.

The extremely important problems of arts education were discussed during the conference. The University Vice-Rector (Scientific work) Larysa Tkachuk noticed that change of educational paradigm predetermines the necessity of rethinking future teachers’ of art disciplines training to professional activity and the development of effective conditions for optimal methods and technologies that meet current methodological and theoretical principles.

The problems related to the innovative technologies of creative individuality development through art; historical aspects of art education development; the development of the spiritual potential of future teacher’s personality in the process of creative self-actualization; realization of culture approach to art education; and peculiarities of teacher’s of music training abroad were discussed at the plenary and workshops.

Within the conference frameworks rector of the University Nataliya Pobirchenko met with scientists of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and signed an agreement on cooperation.

Participants of the conference also looked over the exhibition of scientific and educational works of the University lecturers on arts education problems.

According to Ukrainian tradition the university creative ensembles also welcomed the conference guests.

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