Sociology and Psychology Department held a Week of the Chair of General Education, Pedagogics of higher educational establishments and management. All the activities were dedicated to the same general theme - "School of young teachers". The Week started with “Organizational work of a supervisor” methodological seminar for young supervisors. The main issues of the discussion were finding a topic for general conversation, getting closer to the student, making the life of a student interesting and rewarding. Valentyna Boichenko, the Associate Professor of the Chair of General Education, Pedagogics of higher educational establishments and management was holding the “Supervisor as a pedagogical artist” workshop.

One of the varieties of didactic games used in the educational process is quiz games. The quiz game initiated by Olena Kirdan, the Associate Professor of the Chair of General Education, Pedagogics of higher educational establishments and management included the elements of intellectual thinking in the casual atmosphere and various kinds of control in the competition between the teams.

The young teachers were present at "Preparing the Publications: practical advice to the young scientist" scientific seminar initiated by Olena Yaroshinska, the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Associate Professor. The workshop was attended by the graduate and postgraduate students of the Sociology and Psychology Department. There was a review of the various types of publications followed by some practical tips on writing.

The graduates in "Management of Educational Institutions" attended the "Management of Educational Institutions: theory and practice" nationwide scientific and practical seminar. The seminar was also attended by undergraduates, young scientists, professors and researchers. Oksana Kravchenko, the Dean of Sociology and Psychology Department familiarized everyone with the traditions and promising trends of training the future specialists in educational and managerial spheres. A number of complex issues was reviewed: management of modern educational establishments - technology and innovation, management of educational institutions in terms of transformation and integration processes, forms, methods and principles of educational institutions, development of the theory and practice of management of higher education institutions: history and the present; trends of training of future managers of educational establishments.

"Formation of professionalism in the university teachers on the basis of the teaching values" roundtable was held on December the 19th in order to improve the adaptation of young teachers to the working conditions in the higher educational institutions. Everyone had an opportunity to participate in the discussion of the problems of modern pedagogics, share the experiences and get advice from the experienced colleagues.

Finally, the main points of the discussion were summed up. Oksana Kravchenko, the Dean of Sociology and Psychology Department approved the organization and holding of the Week of the Chair of General Education, Pedagogics of higher educational establishments and management, thanked everyone who contributed to this work and expressed confidence in further development of this tradition.

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