There was held Regional Scientific and Methodical Seminar “Technological Education Problems and Prospects of Development”. The organizer of the seminar was Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, the co-organizer was education department of Gayvoron regional state administration and Gayvoron interschool training centre of Kirovograd region.In the seminar participated scientists of NAPS of Ukraine, Natural Mathematics and Technology Education Institute, General Secondary and Pre-Primary Education Department, Professional Training and Professional Consultation Laboratory of NAPS of Ukraine Institute of Pedagogy, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Gayvoron interschool training centre workers, and Gayvoron scientific and methodological Laboratory.

The welcoming speech was made bu doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of Natural Mathematics and Technology Education Institute Oleksandr Kobernyk, who paid attention to conceptual aspects of technology education in Ukraine development. An academician of NAPS of Ukraine, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Vasyl Madzigon in his speech centred around the unities of education, scince and technology. A deputy director of General secondary and Pre-Primary Education Department Sergiy Dyatlenko told about the actual problems of labour training in contemporary school.

The practical part of the seminar was dedicated to educational and material base of Technology and Pedagogics Department survey and creative workshops masterpieces (ceramics, carving, elm painting, bugles plaiting, Ukrainian national embroidery, braiding from natural materials, vanished miniature, decorative leather framing, pysanka’s painting).

In the end of the seminar was held the round table, during which the contemporary education technological process, necessary competencies, intellectual development, cultural and moral development of students during learning process were discussed. The seminar participators made recommendations on technology education development.

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