In Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held a regional council dedicated to organization and conducting of EIA in 2016. At the council were present representatives from the following districts Zvenygorodka, Uman, Zhashkiv, Lysiansk, Mankivka, Talne, Monastyryshche, Khrystynivka and cities of Uman and Vatutine.

Director of Kyiv regional centre of education quality assessment Svitlana Sakaeva acquainted people responsible for EIA with terms of registration and innovations in 2016.

Svitlana Viktorivna and director of Uman centre of EIA Svitlana Tsymbal-Slatvinska advised applicants to consult official centre of registration in Uman - Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (room #208, 2 Sadova Street).

The workers of the centre are ready to collaborate with general educational establishments and help with providing information and giving advices about participation in parents meeting, registration for EIA, consultations on electronic application submission and innovations of entrance campaign 2016.

The university offers preparatory courses for Ukrainian citizens to enter HEI. The results of those who have already admitted these courses are high and testify to the fact that such preparatory courses are effective for passing EIA. The schedule of the courses is convenient as they are held every Saturday, besides there is a possibility to have distant courses in all subjects. High results are ensured by qualified and competent workers, as they prepare pupils for EIA for several years and have their author teaching methods.

The additional advantage is to get information about changes in EIA and entrance campaign, complex preparation to EIA and entrance, preparation to creative competitions, individual professional guidance consultations, complex testing and skills diagnostics.

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