April 17th “See and listen” festival of social and psychological drama was taking place on the stage of the City House of Culture. It was organized and initiated by Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Youth Friendly Clinic (in Uman City Children's Hospital).

The aim of the festival was reinforcing the importance of addressing the social problems and diseases: drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, alcoholism, smoking, unwanted pregnancy, violence; expanding the circle of supporters of the people concerned about those problems; informing the community about the activities of the Youth Friendly Clinic and student social and psychological services of Pavlo Tychyna USPU.

The festival was attended by amateur theater groups of educational institutions of the city, inter-regional center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children in Uman and students of Sociology and Psychology Department at USPU, Theatre for children at Uman Municipal House of Culture, "SCH.E.K" Kiev Youth Art Association. People discussed essential questions of addiction, violence, choice, conflict, self-esteem, moral and physical aspects of temptation and struggle for one’s own happy fulfilling life. The festival was based on the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull (by R.Bah). The leitmotiv of the story was that one should seek perfection, improvement and self-discovery, one should be proud of being who he/she is in one’s own life, attempt to see the good in others and teach them to realize it. The philosophical story depicted on the stage was amazing with performances of Shadow Theater, children's and adult groups, songs, dances and theatrical psychological miniatures that created 4-hour healing ambiance for the soul and mind of all those present in the hall.

Also, the festival included "Letters" socio-psychological project. During the month of preparation to the festival the indifferent youth was sending anonymous letters to our volunteers. In those letters they disclosed their fears, concerns and troubles of the young people ... Some of these letters were read at the festival.

The purpose of this action was introducing the troubles and concerns of the contemporary youth! And maybe someone has found the answers to burning questions or made ??the right conclusions.

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