USPU held a large-scale campaign under the slogan "Respect yourself - do not give bribes."

Where did this idea come from?

The Networks of European Information Centers in Ukraine in regional centers and small towns, representatives of European Committee Delegation in Ukraine, the Network of European media centers in February and March of the current year held "Europe Day - 2014. Dialogues and values" contest of local initiatives to promote the European values. The goal of this contest was to draw public attention to the European values and standards by forming and strengthening regional partnerships, engaging the partners in a dialogue about the European values.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University actively supported this initiative. According to the terms of the contest, the Student Council, Student Social and Psychological Center and the European club have developed "Respect yourself - do not give bribes" project. It touches upon the major theme of our society at this stage. Due to the current situation in the country eliminating bribery in all spheres of life is perhaps the most important element of the cultural and intellectual growth of the nation and the entry into the environment of European countries. Despite the large number of works participating in the contest, the USPU students project won and was supported by a micro grant.

Therefore, the student project received the right to life, and as part of its implementation it was planned to hold a few high-profile events involving an increasing number of people. "Respect yourself - do not give bribes" campaign is an integral part of its realization. The program of the event included watching a short "This is your last bribe (sorry if it’s first)" film on eliminating bribery which was created specifically for the University Student Council contest. Afterwards, there was a lively discussion of topics by the student audience. (By the way, the University Student Council is interested in popularization of this film, so it is posted on Department websites).

Yulia Mudrytska, the Deputy Head of the student government of the Sociology and Psychology Department made a report on corruption as a negative social and legal phenomenon.

Student Social and Psychological Center prepared a very interesting speech. It encouraged the campaign participants to participate in the "I’d be grateful if you helped me" forum-theater and "Who and why is willing to pay for the services that were not provided?"

The event was attended by Oksana Zabolotna, the Director of the Institute for International Cooperation, coordinator of international activities, Borys Gorbunov, the prosecutor of Uman prosecution office, and Yulia Klymenko, a practical psychologist of the city. The guests discussed the burning problems with the experts.

A laid-back discussion continued during the coffee break as well.

The students were very active and showed much interest in the project and the project initiators are hoping that everyone will benefit by what they have learned at this event, people will be encouraged to engage in self-improvement. For as far as we know, "If you want to change the world, start with yourself."

Пресцентр УДПУ