In the conference hall of Pavlo Tychyna USPU (building №1) has been presented a new social movement - Community organization “Student Anti-Corruption Agency”. Our student Nadiia Olenina is a coordinator of Uman department; she has been a speaker at the event.

In the presentation participated rector of the university, professor Oleksandr Besludniy, pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work, assistant professor Olena Kirdan, director of USPU juridical clinics, legal adviser Vasyl Pidlisniy, adviser of USPU juridical clinics Oleksiy Oleynichuk, deputy head of trade union committee Inna Babiy, head of Culture and Leisure Activities Center “Gaudeamus” Lyudmyla Hekalyuk, head of student control and inspection committee Tetyana Povichan, students from the university defferent departments, representatives of student councils from the other city’s educational establishments.

There were presented the aim, directions and results of activities by community organization “Student Anti-Corruption Agency” as far as the plan of its activity for 2016/2017 academic year. There were discussed admission conditions, status and additional possibilities for its members to realize social projects.

Пресцентр УДПУ