Despite of very busy curriculum and apogee of examinations, two nights running, students and lecturers were absorbed in fantastic atmosphere of dance performances.

"The Nutcracker" and "The Adventures of Cinderella in USPU" - were a scientific and creative projects on discipline "Art of choreographer," and grand performances that combined music, choreography and aesthetic principles. Choreography - was exactly the kind of art that had showed the depth of the author's mind through plastic and rhythm. The audience thanked the project manager - candidate of pedagogical sciences, assoc. prof., laureate of international contest Lyudmyla Androschuk and lecturers of Choreography And Musical Instruments Chair Sergiy V. Kutsenko and Anastasiya Yu. Kryvorotenko for such interesting performances. Moreover, we had already had some experience of past years in the production of large-scale performances such as an unforgettable dance performance "Master and Margarita", "Notre Dame", "Romeo and Juliet," "Three Musketeers", outdoors solo performances - "Apple of Discord" and Ivan Kupalo celebration.

Choreographic talent had been one of the most complex artistic phenomena, as required an accuracy and consistency of movements, artistry, ability to bright interpretation of image. Those dance performances become one of many interesting artistic events at the end of that studying year thanked to the creative skills of 24 and 32 groups students of Arts and Pedagogics Department of specialty "Choreography".

Rector of the University, Professor Natalya S. Pobirchenko expressed her admiration at what she had seen, emphasizing great skills and professionalism of the performers, sincerely thanked for the great diligence and creativity of participants.

University administration had always supported an initiative creative youth. We wanted to thank students and Art and Pedagogics Department lecturers, Dean of the Department - candidate of historical sciences, assoc. professor Olena V. Dudnyk for such interesting creative meetings.

Waiting for new creative projects realization!

You can visit the gallery for detailed photos of performances.