In the university was held sports event dedicated to Physical Training and Sports Day. Students and lecturers congratulated sportsmen, who raised image of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University by their sports achievements in 2014-2015 academic year.

During the last year more than 280 our students took part in 80 competitions of different levels – Championships of Ukraine, Europe and the World. The most bright sport events were: successful debut of a sportsmen Vasyl Shuptar at 1st European Games in Baku, where he took the third place; victory and a record of Valentyn Khmiliovyi at World Championship in Hungary; III place of the university combined team at Championship of Ukraine in rowing in Ternopil.`

Candidate of physical education and sports sciences, dean of Physical Training Depatment, assistant professor Halyna Bezverkhnia congratulated sportsmen on the holiday, wished them success in sports and their personal life.

Sport’s club diploma of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in the nomination “The best sportsman in 2014-2015 academic year” among students received a Master of the record Valentyn Khmiliovyi.

Physical Training Department administration thanked a lecturer, trainer Serhiy Ilchenko for obtaining a rank Master of Sports of Ukraine of international level in multiplied grip.

This day in the gym of the university was held an open training in mixed single combat, in which participated everybody willing.

Пресцентр УДПУ