At Foreign Languages Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held Regional scientific and Methodological Seminar-Training “Methods of Preparation of School Leavers to External Independent Assessment in English”.

The welcoming speech to the seminar participants made dean of Foreign Languages Department at USPU, director of Regional Centre of Foreign Languages Studies (RC FLS), candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Nadiia Brit.

Peculiarities of this year conducting External Independent Assessment were cleared up by rector’s adjunct, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor at Pedagogy and Educational Management Chair Svitlana Tsymbal-Slatvinska.

Head of Laboratory of Foreign Languages Studies at RC FLS, head of the English Language Chair and its Teaching Methods Alla Gembaruk defined the main directions of the laboratory activities.

The seminar was followed by work of practical lessons-trainings, delivered by head of Comparative Pedagogy Laboratory at RC FLS (Foreign Languages Department, USPU), doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Oksana Zabolotna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Olena Bevz and Svitlana Derkach.

The moderators of lessons-trainings offered teachers of English to do tasks, similar to the tasks offered to school leavers during passing EIA.

In the end of the seminar there was presented a manual of methodological recommendations with some tips in preparation of school leavers to passing EIA, written by senior lecturer at the English Language Chair and its Teaching Methods (USPU) Oleksandr Kovalenko.

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