From May 22 to 26, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Integrative Technologies of Natural Sciences Education, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Yuliya Reshitnyk, took part in the V International Staff Week, organized by the Jan Amos Comenius Academy of Applied Sciences in Leszno as part of the Erasmus+ project.
The program of the visit included a number of scientific, organizational and educational activities (participation in celebrations on the occasion of the Patron Saint's Day, lectures in English, official meetings with the participation of leading scientists and Academy management).
Representatives from Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Switzerland took part in academic mobility. During the lectures, the participants presented their universities and countries, education systems and tools for ensuring the quality of education.
Yuliya Reshitnyk shares her impressions: "The V International Staff Week program was rich and interesting. During the five days we stayed in Leszno, we had the opportunity to expand professional contacts, gain extraordinary experience of conducting lectures for foreign students, and immerse ourselves in social and cultural life outside the university. The support of international colleagues and partners of Ukraine was constantly felt. After the official meetings and presentations, tours of the university and the city were organized for us. It is worth noting the high level of technical equipment of educational laboratories, where complex scientific and practical work can be carried out. The team of the international relations department and other employees of the University are extremely friendly. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ program"
After summarizing the results of the internship, the participants received international certificates. Participating in an internship became an important element of gaining valuable experience, getting to know the modern possibilities of science and technology, and the practice of learning a foreign language.