On the initiative and organization of Polish cultural and educational center (Scientific Director - Igor Kryvosheia) USPU celebrated the Independence Day of Poland.

This year students of Ukrainian Philology Department, studying the Polish language wrote the dictation "JĘZYK POLSKI DA SIĘ LUBIĆ" and watched a historical film by Jerzy Hoffman "Warsaw Battle 1920".

Native speaker Dr. Piotr Pyzel read the dictation. He had already been teaching Polish for 4 years. The dictation was thematically associated with historical events that led to the return of Polish independence in 1918.

The following students were the winners: Anastasia Ben' (MIHuS) and Anna Polishchuk (Ukrainian Philology Department, specialization "Polish language"), which shared the first place. The second place was awarded to Olga Tchaikovsky (Ukrainian Philology Department, specialization "Polish language"), the third place - Liliana Bondarenko (Ukrainian Philology Department, specialization "Polish language").

Congratulating the best experts in the Polish language, Vice-Rector on Research and International Cooperation Vladylena Sokyrska presented the students valuable presents and wished to achieve new success in learning a foreign language, to strive for continuous improvement and self-realization.

Пресцентр УДПУ