The 4th year student of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science Mykola Kravchenko won the International Summer Contest in web design and computer graphics in the category "Best Software Implementation". It took place in Vinnytsia on the basis of Vinnytsia National Technical University.

The professional jury consisting of leading experts on web design and computer graphics chose the winners in several categories. Our students submitted his work to "Best Software Implementation" category, which was assessed on the following parameters: applicable code, its optimal use, use of database tools for quick site modification, innovative technical solutions, tools for operational information search, tools for implementing interactive mode, developed server software components, scripts, navigation tools, tools to support major browsers, and creative use of modern Internet technologies.

The work of Mykola Kravchenko was the best and won the 1st place.

We congratulate Mykola Kravchenko and his supervisor - senior lecturer Vira Kolmakova and lecturer Sergiy Troyan from Computer Science and Information Technology Chail. We wish the student and his supervisors inspiration for further creative achievements!

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