Happy Ukrainian language and literature day!

Language is the soul of millions of Ukrainians, it is polished in the works of the history’s most talented writers, and it is the great basis for the unity of the entire nation in the spiritual future.

The Day of Ukrainian language and literature as a holiday was established in 1997 by the President of Ukraine to support the community organizations and mind the important role of the Ukrainian language in the consolidation of Ukrainian society. Our attitude to the native language shapes the attitude of the international community to us as a nation. Our reputation in the world depends on us. To cherish and develop the native language is to build an independent, truly free country, educate worthy representatives of the people and be proud of the homeland.

Words of gratitude were addressed to the faculty of Philology Department at our University. They bring up love and respect for our mother tongue in the students, strengthen their native language. This valuable treasure will contribute to the unity between the past and future generations, respect Ukraine and its people.

We wish you all love, happiness, mutual help and understanding.

Trade Union
Student Council