Dear Oleksandr Ivanovych!

Accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of your jubilee!

Inspired by patriotism of your motherland, wisdom of predecessors you – Oleksandr Ivanovych – work hardly for the sake of higher education development in Uman, Ukraine. Owing to your high level of professionalism, competency, adherence to principles, extraordinary way of thinking, Pavlo Tychyna USPU develops very quickly and takes high places in ratings.

Owing to your purposefulness, firmness, self-confidence, high level of concentration and devotedness, you passed your way from assistant to lecturer, professor and rector. Significant period in your professional development was your post of pro-rector. Being different sided person, successful scientist and excellent administrator, you, Oleksandr Ivanovych, inspire your colleagues and are proud of your achievements. We appreciate you and your intelligence.

On this day, we wish you, dear Oleksandr Ivanovych, everything that you deserve: from the God – happiness, from colleagues and students – honour, from relatives – love, from friends – understanding!

Let the fate present you goodness and success, good health, and Vira (Faith), Nadia (Hope) and Lyubov (Love) be your life companions. We wish you new success and achievements in your work for the sake of the university, educational branch and Ukrainian people.

By power of the university collective,

first pro-rector A. Gedzyck

head of trade union committee O. Osadchiy

head of student council Y. Boroday