Today we are the sons and daughters,
We bow to our parents in reward
For peace and quiet life without tortures,
For all the beautiful in our world.

July 30 USPU celebrated a highly patriotic and triumphant event- the military oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people by the students that also study at the Military Training Department of Sumy State University. Except parents, students and friends the University Square attracted more Uman residents who were interested to see the oath ceremony in USPU. Traditionally, it is a solemn and beautiful celebration in the lovely surroundings of flower beds where the cadets appear in the uniform to the silver sounds of a brass band...

The ceremony was attended by Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine; Tetiana Kochubey, the Vice Rector for Research and Education, Doctor of pedagogical Sciences; Colonel Mykola Liapa, the Head of the Military Training Department of SSU, Ph.D., Associate Professor; Lt. Col. Andriy Vakal, the Assistant Professor of the Military Training Department of SSU, Ph.D., Senior research Fellow; retired Colonel Mykola Besarab, the Head of the Union of veterans of the Air Defense Forces, university teachers.

The ritual of the military oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people was held under the guidance of Colonel Mykola Liapa, the Head of the Military Training Department of SSU, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Professor Natalia Pobirchenko, the USPU Rector. One by one the students pronounced the solemn oath. Military drills were voiced and the cadets repeated, "Glory! Glory! Glory!" The cadet’s performing the anthem of Ukraine awakened high feelings in the hearts of everyone.

Congratulating the future defenders of our motherland on this significant event in their lives and in the history of the university, Rector Natalia Pobirchenko stresses that the military oath ceremony is a celebration that symbolizes the valor and heroism of all generations of our people, defenders and liberators of the native land. Natalia Semenivna believes that during the field training and shooting the cadets realize their belonging to this profession - Defender of the Motherland, and understand that responsibility rests on their young shoulders. She expressed confidence that the students would become worthy officers. She blessed the graduates in good time, wished them good luck, health and vigor of mind, peaceful sky overhead, self-confidence and happy future of our country.

Natalia Pobirchenko expressed a special, deep gratitude to the management of the SSU University, Department of Military Training, academic staff for the daily hard work in the military training, patriotic education, following the varied historical and military traditions of our predecessors. She expressed gratitude to Colonel Mykola Liapa of Sumy State University for cooperating with us and training the reserve officers. In response he said, "I ​​serve the people of Ukraine!" He was grateful for the appreciation of the work and cooperation. He said that the oath was a lifetime memorable event. This is not only a speech; it is the responsibility for protecting the families, homeland and motherland.

Congratulating the cadets, Colonel Mykola Besarab, the Head of the Union of veterans of the Air Defense Forces who made the military oath 49 years ago, wished the cadets to benefit by the education they receive in the University and use it in their life and military service for maintaining peace and harmony in the country.

Victoria Todorova has taken the floor on behalf of the parents, "No wonder that our people have always believed that the army is a school of life. Today we have faith and hope that you are going to be courageous and honest enough to help each other. Serve with dignity, and we will be waiting for you. Always remember this! Be worthy of the glory of your grandparents, do not forget that you protect our native land, its honor and recognition. Serve for the glory of Ukraine, for the wellbeing of the country! Follow the sacred duty of protecting the homeland and the world, be devoted to the great things your parents have done in the name of the Ukrainian people!"

Iryna Kucheryava voiced her gratitude to the parents for their choices; she wished her colleagues peace and happiness and the blessings of the guardian angels in life.

The cadets and all those present at the ceremony received nice surprises from the creative teams of USPU: "Sofia" Ukrainian folk ensemble (directed by Vasyl Semenchuk) performed "Do not break the snowball tree!" Ukrainian folk song, "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble (directed by Sergiy Kutsenko) performed "Honyviter" Hutsul dance and Valentyn Kupchyk, an Honored art Worker of Ukraine sang "I wish you peace and sunshine!"

The cadets of the Military Academy of Odesa who had already accepted the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people the day before, demonstrated the drills at the ceremony in their native alma mater. After the official part of the ceremony, parents, guests and friends warmly congratulated the cadets.

July 26, 2014 60 students of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University who had a professional training at the Military Academy in Odesa made the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people. Major General Oleg Guliak, the Acting Chief of the Odesa Military Academy opened the ceremony of military oath. The ceremony was attended by Anatoly Sirotenko, the Head of "North" Territorial Administration, and Lieutenant-General Yevgeniy Poterhera, the Head of the Military Training Department, employee of the Armed Forces.

Tetiana Kochubey, the Vice Rector for Research and Education, Doctor of pedagogical Sciences was speaking on behalf of the pedagogical staff of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. She delivered a welcoming speech, personally congratulated the cadets on an important stage in their lives. The words of a special, deep gratitude sounded in the address of the Academy administration, faculty training the reserve officers, academic staff for the daily hard work carried out on the territory of military training, patriotic education, following the rich historical and military traditions of our predecessors. The Vice-Rector was grateful to Major General Oleg Guliak, the Acting Chief of the Odesa Military Academy for working together in the training of reserve officers.

The USPU graduates wished the cadets to make their dreams come true, do good with the help of their youthful zeal and enthusiasm, revive the military glory of the independent Ukraine!

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