Kaniv College of Culture and Arts of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was established as a separate USPU subdivision through the reorganization of Kaniv College of Culture and Arts of Cherkasy Regional Council. It was done according to the Ministry’s of Education and Science of Ukraine order № 105 from 05.02.2014 ”On measures connected with the establishment of Kaniv College of Culture and Arts of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University”.
This is the second separate structural subdivision of the University. In 2013, with the assistance and support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Cherkasy Regional State Administration our first separate subdivision - Kaniv Humanitarian Institute of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was established (Order of MES of Ukraine № 727 from 06.18.2013 ) on the implementation of President’s of Ukraine Decree from April 11, 2012 № 257 “On additional measures for the preparation and celebration of the 200th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth”, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine prescript from June 12, 2013 № 437 “On the establishment of Kaniv Humanitarian Institute of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State pedagogical University”).
Kaniv College of Culture and Arts prepares students for full-time and part-time training in the field of “Bibliography”, “Choreography”, “Music”, “Fine Arts”. Honorary Culture Workers are among the college staff.
Educational and creative processes allow college students to improve their professional level through participation in the student television channel work, youth theater in college. There are also the creative teams (orchestras, choirs, instrumental and vocal ensembles), whose members win prizes in national and international competitions and festivals.
Future professionals have the opportunity to express their creativity and professional level during practical training in renowned art groups and leading TV channels of Ukraine. Among them: Cherkasy Honored Ukrainian Folk Choir, Cherkasy Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre, Regional Puppet Theater, Cherkasy Centre of Youth Creativity, Taras Shevchenko Regional Scientific Library, Regional Junior Library, channels “1 +1”, “First National”, “5th Channel", “TRC Kyiv”, Cherkasy TV-studio “Vika”.
So wish the new structural subdivision of the University a successful development and ensuring a high ranking among the educational institutions of Ukraine.