IV Ethnographic festival of talents “Fair of Arts in “Old Uman” has been held in the framework of events, dedicated to 10th anniversary from foundation State historical and architectural preserve and 400th anniversary from first mentioning about Uman. Among the most active organizers and participants were representatives of our university.

The program of the festival was various.

Uman artists – Viktor Lisachenko (painting), Oleksandr Shevchuck (sculpture), P. Kostusiak (Polish photographer) – demonstrated their works at the festive opening.

There was organized an exhibition-selling of author works and national arts wares. Everybody willing could buy author works and master national handicraft.

The guests liked the most master classes with USPU representatives participation – “Ukrainian embroidery” (masters – Alina Dzis, Tetyana Ponomarenko, Inna Musich), “Kanzashi” (Anastasia Stolbova), “A doll, so-called “Motanka” (Olena Pobirchenko), “Makrame” (Yaroslav Serdiuk, Anna Horshkova, Anna Kalyndruz), “Volume carving” (Vitaliy Potapkin), “Art therapy” (Tamara Shvets, Vladyslava Shvets, Alvina Polushyna).

In the concert program participated pupils’ and students’ art groups, Uman folklore collectives and guests from Kyiv.

The band from Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University opened the concert program and created festive atmosphere and good mood.

Our university is proud, for example, of its folklore ensemble “Sofia”. The soloists Anastasia Shynkaruk, Anna Zagoriychuk, Anastasia Melnyck, Aliona Korol, Tetiana Khlivna performed Ukrainian national songs, arranged by Honorary Worker of Culture of Ukraine Vasyl Semenchuck.

The other participants of the folklore festival – ensemble “Lelia” – (art director, soloist of ensemble “Sofia” Tetiana Khlivna) congratulated with their nice performance.

The choreography staging “Cossacks were riding” performed a Grand-Prix winner of the International Competition, ensemble “Yavoryna” (art director – Serhiy Kutsenko).

Actors of the university National Theatre of Drama and Comedy – Olena Dihtyaruk, Ivan Soltusenko, Anastasia Sichkar, Ihor Zelinskiy (art director Natalia Alekseeva) – performed fragments from the plays “Matchmaking at Honcharivka” and “Kaidashev’s Family”. The theatre is a laureate of All-Ukrainian and International Festivals of Theatre Arts.

At the stage also performed Grand-Prix winner of All-Ukrainian and International competitions – male trio “Gonta”, consisting of Honorary Workers of Culture of Ukraine Vasyl Semenchuk, Valentyn Kupchyk and Petro Voloshyn).

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