Administration, faculty and staff, students and employees of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University greet Volodymyr Kuz’, the Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, member of NAPS of Ukraine on his 75-year anniversary!

Dear Volodymyr Grygorovych,

It is impossible to list all your virtues and merits, especially all you have done for our University. A wise supervisor, a talented organizer, a brilliant strategist, a great diplomat, a true patriot, an idea generator, a professional lecturer, a profound scholar, a prominent speaker, a hard worker, a strong character, a sensitive and vulnerable soul is only a small part of what you can boast and of what we have always been proud of.

We largely owe you for all we have achieved today. Because our achievements were enabled thanks to your endeavors. We are proud to call ourselves your students because you are our outstanding mentor. We want to believe that first of all we will inherit the main feature of the Master: the ability to be human.

Now, at the height of summer and harvest time, just on the Day of St. Volodymyr, we unanimously wish you to enjoy the best fruits of your priceless work and sincerely thank God for having you among us.

Many happy returns of the day! Many happy years to you, dear Volodymyr Grugorovych! We wish you good health, new success, happiness, gratitude, and love of your family, friends, colleagues and numerous students and fans!

Trade Union
Student Council