Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University focuses on training the new generation competitive at the labor market. Since 2012, the University offers the students another opportunity – the reserve officers’ training.

On September the 8th the University had a meeting of about 60 students enrolled as the students of Department of training the reserve officers. And this event is important not only for the students personally, but also for the University.

The following honored people were present at the meeting: Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Andriy Krivosheev, the assistant Professor of military training of Sumy State University, Candidate of Military Sciences, particip[ant of military actions in Afghanistan, Tetyana Kochubey, the Vice-Rector on Scientific and Pedagogical work, Associate Professor, Igor Horbonos, the Head of Military Training Department, Lt. Col. , as well as teachers, parents, students and their friends.

Igor Horbonos, the Head of Military Training Department, Lt. Col. announced the Order for Uman State Pedagogical University.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector has spoken out, "I am sincerely glad that you are the cadets of the military department of Sumy State University which is the successor of the Military Institute of Missile Forces and Artillery.

I believe that during the training in the field and shooting you will feel that there is such a profession as Motherland Defender, you will understand your responsibility for your country. I am sure that our students will be diligent and they’ll earn their high rank of an officer in two years and will be wearing it with honor. So, good luck to you, dear cadets! I wish you happiness, health and vigor of mind, confidence and happy future of our country. "

Andriy Krivosheev, the assistant Professor of military training of Sumy State University, Candidate of Military Sciences, participant of military actions in Afghanistan expressed the hope that the students will receive the due military training and gain knowledge that will help them to work in any military organizations and make relevant decisions taking care of the security of the Ukrainian people.

Olga Butenko, the mother of one of the cadets, sincerely and cordially spoke on behalf of the parents. She believes that military training brings up good, brave character, creates courageous, strong personality. So each of cadets is the pride, joy and hope of their parents. Each cadet should look into the future with confidence.

Vladyslav Butenko, the USPU cadet, expressed sincere gratitude to the University for the opportunity to learn and receive the military training : "We, the University students, swear to our parents to carry the rank of cadet with dignity ."

Senior students of the University who are studying at the Military Academy of Odessa, demonstrated the elements of formation training. Creative performances of the University students became the highlight of the day.

To commemorate this historic event and have a good time during the training the students received greeting cards and artistic performances of charming ladies of "Sofia" folk ensemble.

To the sounds of the " Farewell of Slav" march the cadets lined up in a column guided by Colonel Igor Ivanov and left the square.

Last parting words, memorable pictures, farewell hugs, kisses and gestures made ??this event particularly emotional.

So best of luck to you, future officers!

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