At the Ukrainian Philology Department was held Student scientific conference based on results of expedition investigations. Folklore and ethnography probation period according to curriculum of scientific laboratory “Ethnography of Cherkassy region” (director – professor Nataliya Syvachuk) had first and second year students of Ukrainian Philology Department. Probation period of students were headed by workers of scientific laboratory Valentyna Goncharuk, Inna Tereshko, Nataliya Mamchur, Larysa Yovenko, Oksana Tsyganok, Vasyl Semenchuk, Oleksandr Sanivskyi, Volodymyr Yaremchuk, Vita Kyrychenko.


During the probation period were use stationary and expedition methods of research work. The investigation was carried out in the villages of Posukhivka, Kolodyste, Zatyshok, Vilshanka, Ostrivets of Uman district, and Zayachkivka of Khrystynivka district.


Folklore gathering is an effective way of life, culture, customs, ceremonies and traditions of the nation, it promotes to qualitative preparation of future teachers to pedagogic work, broadens outlines, helps to put theoretical knowledge into practice.

Students gathered information on origin of villages names, their history, traditional activities, handicraft, clothes, food, medicine, and write down the following folklore genres: Christmas carols, Kupailo and Petrivka songs, family and social songs, legends, short stories, anecdotes, child folklore (fairy tales, riddles, puzzles), etc.

During the report students presented results of their expeditions in prepared documents,photoalbums, ethnography materials (embroidered towels, clay pitchers). Scientific reports were accompanied by presentations.

Students reproduced written in expedition songs, legends, rituals. Everybody was amazed by love to native language songs, village traditions of the dweller of the village Colodyste Yevgenia Kramarenko.

In the end of the creative report second-year students handed the relay baton to first-year students at Ukrainian Philology Department.

In the end deputy head of Ukrainian Philology Department Lyubov Parkheta marked high professionalism in 2015 probation period defense and necessity to use materials in educational process at schools.

Students scientific conference proved the fact that gathering activity of students is very important in studying process. During scientific expeditions professional and pedagogical thinking is developing, creative skills and research experience are acquiring.

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