Flowers were put at the foot of the monument of the Great Poet (at the Ostashivsky Pond) on his 200 year birthday anniversary on March 9. The representatives of the University also made their flower wreaths to commemorate the famous countryman who became a prophet, a genius of the nation. The USPU representatives took part in the solemn meeting dedicated to the 200th anniversary of birth of Taras Shevchenko.

The immortal poetry was recited near the monument of Taras Shevchenko. It was impossible not to feel the soul of the poet's prophetic promise that reached us through the centuries. Indeed, Taras Shevchenko had discovered the words that once read are never forgotten. Those lyrics sink down into the heart and soul, as people discover feelings, thoughts and hopes. The meeting participants listened to the lines of the poet and felt exaltation of the greatness of his spirit and talent. So everyone who came to Shevchenko on his birthday once again felt the true essence of the guidelines of the genius: we feel it with our hearts and we have to remember who and whose children we are. The spirit of Shevchenko supports us even now! The fire of the soul of a poet ignites the faith, hope and love for his native land in the hearts of the people; it promotes the conservation of Ukrainian traditions, customs and songs.

The call to be worthy of the words by the famous kobzar, connect our hearts to his love for Ukraine sounded especially true now that we are committed to maintaining the harmony in our home. Here is the will of the great poet:

    "Oh, freedom-loving people,
    Don't forget in new large world
    Make the mention about me
    By a warm and gentle word."
It has a sincere response in the hearts of more and more generations.

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