Head of Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council) Committee in science and education Lilia Grynevych admitted initiators of Ukrainian Educational Researcher Association founding. Among the initiators were Svitlana Shchudlo (doctor of sociological sciences, professor at Ivan Franko Drogobych State Pedagogical University), Oksana Zabolotna (doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University), and Olena Kovalchuk (doctor of pedagogical sciences, Lutsk National Technical University).

Members of the meeting were speaking on creation of Ukrainian Educational Researcher Association as a part of European Educational Researcher Association, president of which Teo Vabels confirmed readiness to admit Ukrainian department with a centre in Drogobych State Pedagogical University to membership of European association and give a status of “associated member” for 4 years.

Association at national level strategy of development was discussed. It should be directed towards investigations in education approaching international standards. It was mentioned that Ukrainian researches who had participated in international programs and worked in universities all over the world could share their valuable experience.

Lilia Grynevych supported the initiative both in its strategic directions and plans for realization in different branches of scientific investigation.


Ukrainian Educational Researcher Association is a voluntary scientific association of researchers, aimed at their competency extension and qualitative educational investigations.

The tasks of the organization:
* Interdisciplinary scientific collaboration in education;
* Trainings in preparation qualitative educational investigations;
* Integration of scientists in education for participation in grant projects;
* Attraction of international projects graduates to conduct trainings;
* Organization of conferences and magazines publications;
* Increase in number of scientific publications in foreign educational magazines.

Previously, there were meetings with international organizations representatives, who realize their research programs in Ukraine, such as British Council, American Council, Office “Erasmus+” in Ukraine, Fund “Renascence”, programs “Fullbright”, “IREX”, “GoGlobal”, representatives of regional analytical educational centers, etc.

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